Nastya Ivleva

In recent years, fans of the 29-year-old Nastya Ulevoi say that she was very thin, and wonder how she did it. To this question, the star replied through one of his new photos. The wife of rapper LJ admitted that she had to severely change your diet and to give up many of your favorite dishes to get in shape, which she had long dreamed of.

Guys, the reason my weight loss is proper nutrition. Here’s the lettuce, here’s the tuna, the tomato, kukuruzka. And that’s all! Hrumkat — lose weight

— said Ivliev about your diet.

Nastya Ivleva

however, Nastya said that in the active phase of weight loss also, do not let yourself eat at night. Now Ivlieva occasionally allows himself to break this rule, because already achieved the desired results. For example, after a long day of shooting she can go home at night and eat your favorite dish — mashed potatoes with a cutlet.

But actually I could afford it, because you have got rid of the excess. Tits fell off, all fell off. So I can, but if you are still in the beginning of your journey, you must not,

— gave his followers advice Ivlieva.

Nastya Ivleva also admitted that losing weight was a necessity, because she had ceased to enjoy himself in the same weight. That all changed when blogger got rid of 10 kilograms. Now she feels much more confident.

Me those 10 pounds that I lost, just difficult to live with. I know a lot of girls who is also worried that some overweight. All on personal experience, nothing more.

By the way, some members criticized Nastya Ivleva for strong weight loss. According to them, before her form looked much more feminine. Many noted that to lose weight, Nastia was a beautiful, lush Breasts, which now looks very different. The star itself is completely happy with the new figure, what irony said in one of his last posts:

I believe, friends, that is not so bad: no Boobs for me, but nice ass,

— voted Ivlieva.