Miniature flying probes from “nanokorea” will help NASA to find traces of life on Mars. Reported by the Daily Mail, citing a study in the journal Advanced Materials.

American engineers believe that the miniature probes from the so-called “nanokorea” you can start with Rovers and managed to collect chemical samples on the red planet. Each device consists of a hollow plate made of aluminum oxide with a thickness of several nanometers with a multilayer structure similar to the corrugated carton. It weighs about a third of a milligram, and “levitates” due to changes in temperature. Researchers believe that such probes are particularly effective on Mars where the thin atmosphere and low gravity will strengthen the ability of the device to levitate.

The researchers used a test chamber of low pressure with built-in cameras to study the ability of “nanocarbon” levitate when he drops the bright light. Learning the ability to fly was important to determine the potential of “nanocarbon” as material for atmospheric probes to such planets as Mars, Pluto and of Neptune’s moon Triton. The developers believe that the flying probes from “nanokorea” the research will complement the NASA mission “Mars-2020”, which should be launched in July this year. While the team is working to reduce the weight of chemical sensors to the mini-probes could lift them into the air.

About how people will look, fit for life on Mars, read in the material of the channel “Science”.