The most popular passwords in the beginning of this year and the Russians, and the world was digital and keyboard combinations. In the top 10 were: 123456, 123456789, qwerty, 12345, password, 123456786, qwerty123, 1q2w3e, 111111, 1234567890. All these passwords are not only easy to remember and fast to type, the Agency said "Prime" and founder of DeviceLock service intelligence leaks DLBI Oganesyan.

"as for Cyrillic passwords, among them the most popular: password, QWERTY, I, love, Hello, Natasha, Maxim, Andrew, sweetie. They are easy to remember, but it is worth remembering that non-English characters in passwords are allowed everywhere", — said the expert.

Before choosing one of these passwords you need to remember that such combinations are popular not only among gadget users, but also among fraudsters. Frequently hacked passwords consisting only of numbers or built on the basis of individual words, using special dictionaries.