Mode isolation is intended to reduce the incidence of coronavirus. While at home, many are engaged in application — self-education, exercise or a hobby, spend more time relatives. However, staying in the four walls can become the cause of malicious habits. From which of them it is necessary quickly to remove “Evening Moscow” told the experts.

the Binding problem

According to dietitian Alexandra Kirilenko, the biggest mistake that the Russians quarantined, is a night of overeating.

People panic, under the influence of negative reports, massive cuts, in order to defuse the situation, they seize problems, — said the doctor. And they eat not just any dumplings, or sausage. People are not themselves ordered pizza, fast foods, carbonated beverages. All of this is then seized a huge quantity of sweets and washed down with an incredible number of coffee — said Kirilenko.

Thus, people who have hidden chronic diseases, according to the doctor, open the way for their more striking manifestations.

— This way of life is the path to obesity, appearance of diabetes, the heart disease. Worsens hormonal balance, increases the risk of atherosclerosis, dementia. Yes, and in fact, sugar and sweets is the way to premature aging.

The expert noted that along with overeating can be noted and the growing desire among samosoglasovannye to alcohol.

Okay the holidays when you SIP a glass or second — business as usual. But, when the alcoholic feast last for weeks. Men are moving away from TV screens and computers only to go for another beer stock is an alarming sign. Women too far gone in wine, Poiree and other delicious alkogolizatsii drinks stashed every second, — said the expert.

Specialist assures, this is a very dangerous period for those who are sober. As in heavy emotional situations, many, according to her, can not withstand the psyche, and the disruption in this case is inevitable.

— Even if no inventory, then the person who likes to fill in the collar, begin to empty the perfume bottles, just to calm down.

the Movement is life

Immunologist Anatoly Ostashev agree that excessive alcohol consumption and overeating are the two main enemy for the citizens to isolation. However, the third no less pernicious habit he considers a long sitting at the computer.

— As usual, the person fulfills the shift, and the idea is not a bad idea to walk around the apartment, to do some warm-up, stretch your body. And what does the majority? They continue to sit and already switch to viewing all the movies, games and other entertainment programs, — said the doctor.

Immobility and no��e physical exercises increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and oncological diseases.

— How many would have been years, five times a week you need to sweat from the physical exertion: exercise, squats, workouts, exercises, cardio, — said the medic.

Sure in isolation you need to forget about Smoking, says expert.

— See how many young people connected to the ventilator? And all this is due to the fact that many of them are smokers. Although we remember that until recently it was thought that risk only older people, — stressed Ostashev.

Smoking facilitates the penetration of infection into the lungs. According to the doctor, in Russia today, Smoking among youth aged 20 to 29 years, about ten times more than Smoking old men.

To home mode proceeded in a secure format, experts recommend to sleep at least 8 hours a day, eat right, be sure to maintain physical activity, to engage in any hobby that can distract attention from the negative.