Scientists have named three of the most probable doomsday scenario. American cosmologist Katie Mack explained the options of the Apocalypse in the book “the End of everything (from the point of view of astrophysics)” reports “Constantinople”.

The researcher compared the views of other scientists and came to the conclusion that the inevitable end of the world will happen in the next 200 billion years.

The first option is the heat loss that will gradually develop around for thousands of years. At the end of the universe will disappear down to the smallest atoms, and the past and future merge into one.

The second version says “big break” that will destroy the space-time fabric. Gravity disappears, the space body would be to move randomly in space. The earth is waiting for a huge explosion.

The third scenario is based on the hypothesis that the universe is made of unstable matter. It can instantly disappear in “quantum bubble”, and the inhabitants of the planet simply won’t know what happens to them.

Earlier, the “Rambler” reported that experts considered the most realistic scenario is likely the end of the world war with use of nuclear weapons.