“Restrictive event, they will also have to withdraw in stages, but some of them will have to survive before the advent of medical measures to prevent the spread, said Mr. Murashko. – When we’re talking just – got-to-peak up some, went to the plateau, it is impossible to say that immediately after that announced the feast, firecrackers, and thus removed all restrictions. No. For this you need to build a system that will allow again to again rise to the disease.”

According to the Minister, has the meaning the introduction of a “passport of immunity”, where there was a, sick man with a coronavirus or not.

“We have created a specific information resource, and created it very quickly, in fact, for seven days, was made the new program, in which today, every cases of coronavirus infection is visible”, said ant.

earlier, the Ministry of health has announced the launch of the information system with data on patients COVID.

Referring to the conversation topics of medicines, the Minister noted the growth in their production in Russia.

“Those drugs that have a proven track record in the treatment of coronavirus infection, they are used today, said Murashko. – Industry increased production volumes, including those drugs that come from abroad. It’s probably including the responsibility of the Russian pharmaceutical business, certain, they in a very short time their designs that they already were there in advance, were very quick to bring to market”.