Actress Agatha muceniece did not get along with her husband actor Paul Priluchny because he beat her. As reported by “TV”, she said to herself.

Muceniece Priluchny and, as reported by “the Rambler”, met in 2010, married in 2011, started the first child in 2013, started the second in 2016. In February 2020, the actress announced plans to divorce her husband, and in April accused him that he used to beat her.

The other day during a live broadcast on instagram muceniece said the cause of his desire to divorce Priluchny exactly what he was used to her physical violence. According to her, he did it after drinking alcoholic beverages. The actress has called the last person who should ask about what is the secret to a perfect marriage.

“the Only thing I realized (during the marriage with Priluchny. — Approx. edition): no need to break the boundaries of your partner’s wishes”, she said.

According to muceniece, if one spouse, for example, wants to star in a movie or somewhere to go, someone else should not be him or her banned.