Mishustina to ban discounts on products in stores

Several Russian associations with the participation of agricultural enterprises and producers of food and drink and asked Prime Minister Mikhail mishustina to prohibit discounts on products in stores and retail chains. They wrote a collective letter to the head of the Russian government, writing “Vedomosti”.

the Corresponding decision, the statement says, will allow to maintain the profitability of suppliers, which is under threat from increased spending on the background of the crisis in the domestic economy.

under normal conditions, the trade networks attract customers through promotions. Such discounts give the opportunity to bring to market new products and maintain demand in the face of low purchasing power, but now their active use will cause serious damage to the market participants.

According to the publication, their participation in the letter confirmed Soyuzmoloko, a Union of producers of soft drinks and mineral waters, national Union of poultry farmers and Soyuzrossakhar.

Earlier research company Neilsen came to the conclusion that in recent years the proportion of promotional sales in the Russian Federation is consistently increasing. In particular, in 2019 it increased by 3% to 56% in natural expression.

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