“Less than a month and a half the Pension Fund has given over 115 thousand certificates on the parent capital in a proactive mode, that is just the birth of a child without a statement from the mother, – quotes the press service of the Ministry of the words of the Minister of labour and social protection Anton Kotakova. – Since the beginning of the year issued more than 160 thousand certificates on the parent capital, from them about 75 thousand families received a certificate for their first child.”

Starting from this year increased the maternity capital is assigned for the birth of the first child. The appearance of the second child the amount is increased from 466 617 617 616 rubles to rubles.

From April 15 bezzabotny entered the order of appointment of the parent capital. The pension Fund receives information about the birth of the new man on the line of interdepartmental cooperation. Then conducts all the necessary procedures and sends a notification about the maternity capital through the personal Cabinet on the portal.