After a neighbor falsely reported that three Black men were breaking into a house, police in West Michigan arrested the agent and his client.

The agent, Eric Brown, told WOOD-TV that the police response Aug. 1 in Wyoming, including two out of five officers who drew their guns, felt aggressive and “threw me back.”

Brown stated that she feels anxious or nervous, and even scared about how to protect myself in the event of having to show a house to the authorities. Brown asked, “Am I automatically the criminal?” That’s because that’s how we were treated in that case.”

The Wyoming Police Department supported the officers’ actions, and stated that they followed protocol when responding to a home invasion report. In a statement, the department stated that Chief Kimberly Koster had reached out to them all and offered to meet with any family members.

Brown’s client Roy Thorne described the Grand Rapids suburb experience as “traumatizing” and said it was for him and his son.

The department released body camera footage that shows officers handcuffing them. As he fled the house, one officer pulled out his gun and pointed it at Thorne in response to police orders.

Thorne stated that the officer had apologized but also acknowledged the damages done.

He said that his son was “a little disturbed” and that he hadn’t seen anything similar before.

Also, the footage shows Thorne being placed in the backseat a squad car after police handcuffed him.

Thorne, who was there with his real-estate agent, says that “definitely not buying this house”

Brown showed police his smartphone to show that he had made an online appointment to bring Thorne to his house. He also had an access code for entry. Thorne’s son was placed in the backseat on another squad car before the officer who was accompanying him was instructed to release the teenager.

Police said that another Black man, driving a car similar to the one used by the real estate agent was also arrested. He entered the house without permission on July 24th. The other person told police that he was interested to purchase the house, but not with a real agent, and didn’t have homeowner’s permission.

Brown’s car was spotted by a neighbor in front of his house on Aug. 1. The neighbor called police and incorrectly reported that the intruder had returned. Brown’s car is identical in color to the first, but it’s a different make/model.

After Brown and Thorne had explained their reasons for being at the house, one officer can be heard saying “Somebody dropped a ball somewhere”.