Medvedev predicted a change of ideas about democracy

MOSCOW, April 17 – RIA Novosti. Democracy in the world will remain after the pandemic coronavirus, and it will be a democracy that will be a test of strength, and our ideas about it will change, said the Deputy Chairman of the Russian security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, in his first interview to RIA Novosti in video mode.

“no doubt democracy will remain but it will be a democracy that has passed the test of the strength of the pandemic. As the world is somewhat different, and our ideas about democracy. It’s not frozen whole, not something given once and for all, it is not only classical canons, this kind of development,” Medvedev said in response to the question if he believes in democracy and after the pandemic COVID-19.

He believes that in this sense there is still much to be done and the scientists, and lawyers, “to comprehend all the consequences of this pandemic.”

“But all that matters now is us still to overcome,” – said the Deputy Chairman of the Russian security Council.

the Latest data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.

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