Eleven employees of the U.S. Secret service contracted the coronavirus, 23 were recovered from COVID-19, according to Yahoo, citing a report by the Department of homeland security (DHS).

According to the document, another 60 workers are in isolation. In March it was reported only about one ill.

United States Secret service guards the state-owned enterprises in the country, as well as the President and other senior officials. Contact infected officers with officials, is not specified. In DHS did not comment on the report, the secret service declined to comment.

According to the source CNN, coronavirus also infected the personal assistant of the daughter of the U.S. President Ivanka trump. The TV station said that the assistant in a few weeks and worked remotely and had no contact with the daughter of Donald trump. No symptoms in the cases were not shown. Ivanka trump and her husband Jared Kushner also took the tests on COVID-19, they were negative.