the Unenviable fate of the movie “gone with the wind” (8 Oscars) is dedicated. As well as books by Mark TWAIN, demolished monuments and other “ankl Benson”.

America is going crazy. And let to itself goes. We’ve been over this more than once. We have something to say, to share the experience.

About the Soviet censorship will not even let about stupidity. So, the memories of an eyewitness.

In the perestroika Mikhail Gorbachev started an anti-alcohol campaign — and from the Soviet movies had to cut scenes of drinking. And just get-togethers, libations. Remember the 31st of December, “the Irony…”. “Damn you!”. And baths do not. “Strapped sheets. From the screw! “Under a plane wing about something sings…”. No, it was not. Then with a hangover, Jack found himself in a strange apartment in Leningrad. Thank God, the country had seen up to that time a favorite movie many times, so knew what.

Or “Mimino”, a Banquet at the hotel “Russia”. “In the red shirt is a Professor Khachikyan”. No, not dancing Frunzik, and Buba was not picked up the handkerchief — cut. Yes, and there Mimino didn’t call in any Telavi — tel Aviv, did not sing a song with poor Isaac. But that’s another story. Israel was then under prohibition.

Then he realized his folly, error, returned episodes ago. But in a free Russia, a great Russia of the future started their own thing. From the classic, poignant, “the dawns here are quiet” cut out a scene in the bath. In our time! From the canonical “Garage” removed Burkovskaya “damn”. Yes, it seems fools never translated.

And America is going crazy, give her the God of health. If we went this way, then, for example, Mikhalkov’s “Several days from the life of I. I. Oblomov” ‘d immortal tabakowska: “Zech-a-ar”. Because the male was a servant, a slave, slave. Maybe we also start to fight slavery?

Never! Slavery, bondage — this is our interior, spiritual, that we do not give up. Even Zorkin, Chairman of the constitutional court, said that serfdom is Holy, without him and never will be Russia. Like the revolution did (peace to the cottages, war to the palaces), “who was nothing will become everything.”

And in fact have been slaves, and left. Even those who had escaped to the people, the chiefs, the elite, the billionaires, take a closer look, but all the same slave. So, uncle uncle Bens, we’re the same blood, you and me. That we’ll never betray.