According to the presenter, a therapist, doctor of medical Sciences Elena Malysheva, one of the major risk factors for diseases COVID-19 is the lack of vitamin D. there was a study that showed that patients with a severe form of coronavirus is a shortage of this vitamin. He deserves our full attention, since it affects the immune system, she said.

“the Lack of this vitamin is a serious threat to your health,” — said Malyshev in Instagram. She explained that the substance has an effect on bones, heart, memory, and “the cornerstone” — the human immune system.

the Doctor recommends the Russians to try to eat foods with a high content of vitamin D because it triggers the cells that destroy the viruses. a “If there is no vitamin D there is no active cellular immunity. Antibodies occur after the meeting with the virus, but if you have cells are working fine, then, faced with the virus, these cells simply eat, will eat. Vitamin D is necessary for this initial meeting of the lymphocytes with coronavirus infection”, she said.

Malyshev recalled that the daily dose of this vitamin you can get from just four grams of cod liver. Another important product – herring, a hundred grams which contains four daily allowance.