Opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya in the Studio of “the Destiny of man” on the channel “Russia-1” told about his affair with a married colleague at the scene. However, she did not say his name.

“I knew that you can’t destroy a family, but was in love with. For me to then life was this burden of destiny. It is a great sin. I was brought up that was not allowed to let go of the reins. I had a ball. I didn’t want to be happy all my heart, but to know that someone is me unhappy”.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya As said, the star of the stage, parting with a man turned painful.

“He said it was a tragedy for him. He was in pain. Eventually he realized that I was right. He knew that hurt the whole family, a whole clan. We with him through tears and pain decided that they can’t be together. It was my colleague on the stage. We were from the same environment. I said no and all,” said Kazarnovskaya.