The Newspaper goes on to look at the heroes of the coronacrisis in your area. So, we bring you the story of the people, the warmth, support and care at this special time. Below is the list of the characters that we have all of the spotlight on it.

More about Heroes of the solar corona Evy, which coordinates food distribution to those who need it: “All the children are close to my heart,” ” The sex Vandeginste, delivers parcels, Bpost, even today, “People order it like the end of the year, it is” an Easy 48-year-old holds the nuclear power plant doel 3 running: “We feel like We are connected to health care providers, we are working on by” Laura (24), and enhances town centre, with poems written in chalk: “I just want to give people a glimpse of hope, or just put a smile on their face”