There are more than 11,000 coronatests is divided into the Flemish residential care centres. The Minister of well-being, Wouter Beke (CD&V). a list was released with the 85 residential care centres where they are tested, it will be used.

A number of residential care centres are now available, so all of the people all of the employees, both in ziekteklachten as ziekteklachten. The test capacity that is currently available, it may be that, at the moment, however, not all Flemish residential care centres do happen, it emphasizes the Agency of Care and Health.

The priority is, therefore, at the age of 55 residential care centres, which, at the time of the selection, with the highest concentration of sick people, which is the highest proportion of sick members of staff, or a combination of both. “That residential care centres face the biggest outbreak or are at the highest risk of an outbreak. In the residential care centres for everyone to test, we want to help them to escape to the master”, you hear the sound of it.

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in Addition, there were thirty-random centers are selected, spread out all over Flanders, in which the existing residents are to be tested in order to examine whether or not there is an invisible distribution, for the inhabitants, without ziekteklachten.

Health Care is aware that all of the residential care centres is a huge need to have to be able to test it. ‘Before we can proceed to a continuous, extended test capacity, the practical feasibility, assessed and refined it to be what it sounds like. “This series of testing, the federal working group of the prime minister, Philippe De Backer, in order to determine, then, the test capacity is permanently increasing and in residential care centres.’
More about the residential care centres, Wouter Beke, to answer the criticism with a tienpuntenplan for the healthcare sector, Fearful of the days in the Molenkouter to be: two people have died after a coronabesmetting Waving at the window,, Skype, newsletter: the rusthuisbewoners, and family contact