Employees of the employment service in Kostroma was inexcusable tardiness in considering the statements of victims of coronavirus unemployed, according to the Prosecutor’s office.

In Kostroma, the Supervisory authority has responded to complaints from local residents who have lost work because of the pandemic coronavirus. Kostroma perturbed by the slowness of the staff of the employment service, has posted an angry appeal in social networks. After complaints about the sluggishness of the officials of the Prosecutor’s office conducted an audit in the Regional state public institution “Center of employment of the population in the city of Kostroma”.

During the inspection revealed that since the beginning of the spread of novel coronavirus infection in the Center of employment of the population in April-may 2020 in the distance form, turned over thousands of Kostroma. For registration statements they have used the information-analytical system of the Russian base “Job in Russia”.

– however, the institution is not ensured the timely availability of the results of consideration of applications of citizens in the system of information on decisions taken, resulting in more than a thousand people could not receive notifications about the progress of the provision of public services, – explained in Prosecutor’s office.

Catch officials in excessive slowness, the Prosecutor’s office brought representation to the Director OGKU “the Center of employment of the population in the city of Kostroma”. After that the speed of consideration of applications increased.

According to the administration of the region, may 19, at the employment Center has passed inspection.

– All who really were in a difficult situation, need help quickly. Need time to reduce. Colleagues, do not be guided by 10 days of consideration of appeals. It is better to enter a mode in 4-5 days – leads the regional administration the words of the head of the region Sergey Sitnikov.

According to the Department of labor, most often in the employment centers are now applying to employees of the jewelry industry. Many of them offer retraining.

In 2020 in the framework of the national project “Demography” is planned to organize the training of at least 268 people in the Kostroma region, the cost of these goals will be 21,35 million rubles. In addition, we plan to retrain at least 154 women in the period of leave to care for a child under the age of three years, and women with children of preschool age, not employed and applied to the employment service. On the education of women sent another 8.8 million rubles, – explained the authority.

By may 19 the maximum possible unemployment benefit in the amount of 12130 rubles in Kostroma received 2927 people. Materials for 636 statements potential of the unemployed are under consideration, 249 Kostroma in the allowance was refused, the refilling documents must 916 Wto builders.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.