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Now he directs beredskapsarbeidet in the fight against the virus from his home office in Elverum, norway as the regional Inland. He is preparing the Inland that sykdomsbildet can be much worse than it is right now.

– Feel the confidence

Storberget see several differences, but also similarities from 22. July and the days after.

I feel a trust to the government and those who govern. The job the government is doing is being appreciated, says Storberget who felt the same confidence in the very dramatic days as attorney general.

Personally, he has felt something of the same uroligheten and uncertainty now under koronakrisen as he did then.

– Uroligheten go on it to help ensure that things are done so that we do not inflict suffering, we in retrospect see was not necessary, says Storberget.

When he was minister of justice in 2011 uncovered the terrorist attacks of major deficiencies in the emergency preparedness in Norway. Storberget believes that he learned a lot from it. Still raining him with korona-crisis will trigger new discussions.

And it is good, it is how we learn, ” he says.

Storberget believes that we all the time must now be at the forefront, and rather put in measures that one might in retrospect see was not necessary.

It is better to do much than stand in the control committee and say that we did too little, says Storberget.

Should make use of the defunct militærleirer

CONTACT: Knut Storberget uses video conferencing to stay in contact with the Inland.

Photo: Knut Røsrud / NRK

Therefore believe Knut Storberget that the defunct militærleirer, and other places with large bed capacity, should now be prepared to be able to accept large quantities of patients.

Storberget believes it should be 10-11 such centres in Norway.

He is in dialogue with the mayors of the Solør-municipalities to adopt abandoned has done military camp in Valer.

It is easier to ask for forgiveness for having done too much than to have done too little, ” he says.

the Goal is to have enough beds for patients who are either not being taken into hospital or being written out early from the hospital after treatment.

Have taken the challenge

In the has done, the Camp has Valer and Åsnes municipality has already established a infeksjonsklinikk where they accept people with respiratory infections. When the release doctors ‘offices to be charged with it, in addition to that some way for me to seek out doctors’ offices for fear of being suffering from koronaviruset.

We see that there are fewer who attend the doctors ‘offices now, just because they are afraid to be suffering,” says the mayor in Åsnes Kari Heggelund.

SPACE TO the 1100: the Mayor of Åsnes Kari Heggelund has done Camp that can accommodate 1100 korona-patients.

Photo: Knut Røsrud / NRK

has done, the camp had at most 2000 soldiers, so the camp has a large capacity if there are many that are not taken to hospital or being written out before they are completely healthy. Kari Heggelund says they build up to be able to accept the 1100 patients.

But I hope that there will not be a need for it, ” she says.

Åsnes and Valer has in common with many other municipalities, skral municipal economy. But it think they are not on now.

– We must not let the economy be the brake on that we build the necessary measures to be able to help people retain the life and are healthy, believes the regional Knut Storberget.

He anticipates that the government and parliament allocate enough money to the municipalities both get compensated for the expenses they have now, but also the lost tax revenues because many are laid off from their jobs.

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