In Karachay-Cherkessia all for voting regarding approval of amendments to the Constitution of Russia have undergone disinfection to protect against coronavirus infection. In accordance with the recommendations of the CPS protection processed 249 permanent and one temporary site.

– To work out 2500 members of election commissions and observers 1250. The members of the Commission and all users provided with means of individual protection – robes, masks, and protective screens. Our most active citizens have already voted, – has told the Chairman of the electoral Commission on KCR Larissa Abasaliev.

polling is valid mask mode, and the input is held thermometry. In addition, the areas of mandatory hours aired and disinfected.

the Vote passes without incident and with strict observance of rules of sanitary safety. Congestion and queues on the plots was avoided, – said the representative of electoral Committee KCHR Elena Dzhantemirova.

security Measures are also provided for those voters who will vote at home. The procedure will take place in a contactless manner and in compliance with social distance. Only KCR was more than 295 thousand voters.