Opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya survived the death of his first love to cancer and a painful breakup with a married man. This she told the TV channel “Russia”.

July 18, according to “Rambler”, Kazarnovskaya will be 64 years old. Today she became the heroine of a new episode of “the Destiny of man”. During it, the singer said that he had fallen in love for the first time in 17 years to a wonderful guy in school.

Three years later he proposed to her to marry him, she initially agreed, but then changed his mind. 10 years later he became head of the Department of economy of foreign countries of the Moscow state University (MSU) and died of cancer at 34-m to year of life.

Some time later Kazarnovskaya began to meet with a married colleague. She loved it, but found it impossible to destroy his family and went to a very difficult and painful breakup. In 1989, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya met the impresario of the Vienna state Opera Robert Rostikom.

“there Was a feeling of love,” she said today.

According to the singer, their opinions and tastes fully coincide — they are equally said and felt the same. In the same 1989 Kazarnovskaya and Rostik got married. They are still together. In 1993 they had a son Andrew.