Scientists of the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil called travel major cause of the spread of coronavirus across the planet. The results of their research publishes the Daily Mail.

So, according to conclusions of experts, countries that have banned international air services have achieved greater success in combating infection than those who still have not taken any measures.

“We checked the influence of socio-economic, climatic and transport factors. It turned out that the greatest impact on the daily increase in cases COVID-19 in the world had the air”, — specified in the study.

In addition, scientists believe that the limitation of passenger air travel and closing borders can help to reduce the growth rate of cases.

“the Spread COVID-19 in the world from 2019 to 2020 will be reduced if there are improved measures of testing and control on Board the aircraft (e.g., rapid screening and isolation of infected travelers)”, — said employees of the University, adding that it is the best and correct solution to the problem.

Earlier in April, an expert on urban strategies and managing Director of Gensler London Ian Mulcahey (Mulcahey Ian) said that the airports will retain a number of limitations in activities after the pandemic coronavirus. Predicting future air Harbor, he noted that the changes will primarily relate to the completion of the audit and security systems, as well as serving food and drinks.