Introduced because of the pandemic coronavirus restrictions in some countries they cut off the village from food and medical care, due to the outbreak of mass starvation in the world died every month 10 thousand children. This writes the Associated Press.

Thus, in Burkina Faso chronically eats every fifth child. Prices for food products in the country has risen sharply from 12 to 20 million people do not have enough food. Because of the restrictions of the already starving community was cut off from markets and cannot engage in the sale of vegetables in the same quantities as before. As a result, the people have nothing to feed the children. With this trouble in particular has faced Akaran BU. Before he sold the bow to buy seeds and fertilizer, but then the markets closed. Now he is worried that this year his family will not be enough food to feed the daughter. A man fears that a baby could die — over the month 2.5-kilogram baby girl has lost half of its weight. A mother can’t feed her because she is malnourished. Akaran afraid that the child may die from hunger.

In addition, according to the UN, every month, more than 550 thousand children suffer from malnutrition. During the year their number increased to 6.7 million and reached 47 million. The depletion can harm both their physical and mental state. “The impact of the crisis caused by COVID, on food security impact for many years”, — said the head of the nutrition division of the world health organization (who) Dr. Francesco Branca.

The publication notes that more and more families from Latin America to South Asia and Africa suffer from a lack of food. According to analytical data, during the first 12 months from the start of the pandemic of hunger die of about 128 thousand young children. Famine overtook Venezuela, where in neighbouring countries, stretching the unemployed people, as their wages at home has depreciated because of inflation. As told by the doctor Francisco Nieto, because of the quarantine stopped working a shelter for malnourished children, so they have to return to their families who are not able to feed them.

In Afghanistan due to restrictions on the movement of those parents who can’t take their malnourished children to hospitals. The number of cases of malnutrition among Afghan children, according to UNICEF, since the beginning of the year increased by 13 percent and reached 780 thousand. On the brink of starvation was the Yemen. However, the worst situation in the African countries South of the Sahara, particularly in the Sudan.

Earlier in the international charity Oxfam predicted that the world could face high mortality from famine because the pandemic coronavirus. According to its report, “hunger crisis” can lead to a greater number of deaths than the infection itself. So, experts believe that by the end of 2020 from a lack or weeks��state food will be killed about 12 thousand people a day, while the deadliest day of the pandemic was April 17, when registered, 8890 deaths.

According to the project of Johns Hopkins University on the morning of 28 July, in the world of coronavirus infected 16 426 919 people. The increase in the number of people infected per day was about 225 thousand. For the entire period of the pandemic died 653 353 infected, more than 9.5 million people have recovered. According to the information of the operational headquarters on control and monitoring of the spread of infection in Russia, in the country over the past day recorded 5395 new cases of infection with coronavirus in 84 regions. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Russia has revealed 823 515 cases of coronavirus, 13 504 fatalities, 612 217 of recovering.