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the Organization “In the same boat” has specialized in the clearing in the beach zone and consists of persons who have received professional training in strandrydding and safety at sea.

the Project is a part of dugnaden “the Living sea” and is a collaboration between the “In the same boat” and Norway’s Miljøvernforbund. In the spring of up to five team to be stationed at various places along the whole coast.

NRK has earlier told about the organisation, who travels to the desolate islands in Northern Norway to the area which is full of marine litter.

After a winter with great weather and high winds, is now clogged with garbage along the beaches. But because of the koronakrisa have this year’s strandryddeaksjonar been expose or cancelled most of the places.

In the year cleared we 220 tonnes. The goal of this year is that we’ll be klara 1,000 tonnes, ” says Rolf-Ørjan Høgset. He rents the organisation, which is now going into its fourth season.

Natural quarantine

Last week was there between anna one team to the jetty on the catamaran MS “Miljødronningen” in Bergen, and another team was stationed at a bird sanctuary on the island of Lånan on the Helgeland coast.

Before the volunteers board arbeidsbåtane, have they already been in a 14 end heimekarantene to avoid sjukdomsutbrot.

After that mannskapa have signed on, is living them in full isolation for up to several months at a time.

We are with other words in a “natural quarantine”, which means that we in practice are not met by the koronasituasjonen, ” says Høgset.

FILLS UP: It took not a long time before avfallsposane was full.

Photo: Rolf-Ørjan Høgset / Association In the same boat 3000 on the waiting list

After the strict koronatiltaka led to the closure of schools and universities, has the organisation received very many applications from both Norwegian and foreign students who wish to use the free time on strandrydding.

But in the course of the spring, it is only up to 40 people can fit at the same time on one of the five strandryddelaga. The eye of the needle is narrow, in other words.

– Right now we have over 3,000 are on the waiting list, ” says prosjektleiaren.

IN the OCEAN: One team held ryddinga in the time of easter, when the island of Lånan on the Helgeland coast.

Photo: Rolf-Ørjan Høgset / Association In the same boat Ask all do a little Chairman of Nature and Youth, Therese Hugstmyr Woie, is happy to hear that so many students want to help to make the beaches clean.

I think it is very good that it is this they want to use time on. We are reminded in addition to all to do a little on own hand. If all affected a little where they dwell, so need a not to depend on strandryddeaksjonar, says Woie.

IMPORTANT: Therese Hugstmyr Woie in Nature and youth says strandryddinga is an important contribution for lokalmiljøa.

Photo: Nature and youth

Woie add that it can be difficult to measure the direct effect of the strandrydding because of the wide range. It is nevertheless clear that it has a great value in the local community.

Especially is this important for the local fuglebestandane. But when it comes to, for example, plastic in the ocean, then it is probably not strandrydding that will solve it, ” says Woie.

More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoØkonomiSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 14.04.20206613Smittet202Innlagt140Dødestatus for Norway