Fenn wrote clues on the whereabouts of the treasure in social networks on the Internet and 24-lines poem, which was published in his autobiography in 2010, “the thrill of the chase”. Fenn, who lives in Santa Fe, wrote that he stuffed the treasure chest for over ten years, adding hundreds of rare gold coins and gold nuggets. Treasure came in the shapes of animals before the discovery of America, and ancient “mirrors” of hammered gold, ancient Chinese figurines carved from jade and vintage jewelry with rubies and emeralds. Fenn told The New Mexican in 2017 that the box itself weighs 9 pounds, and its contents weighs almost 10 pounds. The millionaire said that he brought a chest in the shelter for two separate trips.

Hundreds of thousands of people, including foreigners, vainly hunted in remote parts of the West for the bronze chest. Many have left their jobs to devote themselves to the pursuit of treasure, while others have exhausted their savings. At least four people were killed looking for him, including the recent “seeker of fortune” in March of this year. In 2017 the police in the Northern part of new Mexico found the body of a pastor from Colorado who disappeared while treasure hunting.