In the US case of bubonic plague recorded from a resident of the state of Colorado, reported the Denver Post.

However, doctors believe that serious causes for concern. It is noted that this is the first case of human infection in the state in 2015. It is assumed that an American contracted the disease from protein. Ill have recovered.

On July 14 it became known that in Colorado a squirrel infected with bubonic plague. She became the first first was a plague-carrier in the town of Morrison, near Denver, the state capital. However, doctors noted that the necessary precautions the risk of infection is extremely small, not to mention the full outbreak of the disease.

In early July, an outbreak of bubonic plague was recorded in bordering Russia, Western Mongolia. In the hospital brought the 27-year-old male and female (age not specified). The latter was in critical condition. After the disease with her directly contacted 60 people and indirectly — 400. It is known that the epidemic was caused by the fact that both resident of Mongolia has eaten raw meat of a marmot.