Member of the American show “Project Runway” predicted pandemic coronavirus through dress a year in advance. Reported by the Daily Star.

In the next issue, dated April 2019, the designers had to create an outfit that completely shows the body of a model. Designer Kovid Kapoor (Kovid Kapoor) made for models a red suit in a cage and a mask with the same print.

the Audience of the project drew attention to the name of the designer and the mask, which today is a symbol of the pandemic coronavirus. According to them, the creators of the show had predicted the emergence of infection COVID-19 before it arrives. His observations users have shared on social networks.

“In the “Project runway” was attended by a designer named Kovic who put on the model of the mask”, “To “the Simpsons” has added another show to predict the future”, “Oh my God, they foretold the future,” wrote nick.

At the same time, Kovid Kapoor in conversation with journalists has declared that did not try to predict the emergence of pandemic coronavirus, however, said the approval of the viewers fun. “It is very interesting to observe the play of destiny,” concluded a former member of the transmission.

Earlier, experts have predicted the massive obesity due to the reduction of physical activity during a pandemic coronavirus. According to nutritionist Jennifer oberta due to the lack of movement a person burns a day of about 400 calories less than normal lifestyle.