In the Samara region strengthened preventive measures COVID 19 enterprises

the Ordinance defines the conditions of work, social distancing, delivery of employees to and from work, access mode, the order of disinfection, nutrition and health interventions.

Heads of organizations and enterprises must determine the minimum number of employees in the workplace, as well as in offices. To transfer some employees to “distance learning” and provide them with this opportunity.

enterprises should be divided the team on different floors, in separate offices, in different shifts. All collective corporate mass gatherings should be canceled.

we recommend that you arrange delivery of employees to place of work and to your accommodation on the transport or on private transport with the aim of minimizing social contacts. In addition, company vehicles should be required to undergo disinfection.

in addition, workers should be provided with masks of not less than two pieces per shift. Moreover, the employer needs to control it. Moreover, health workers at the enterprises have to identify people with symptoms of viral infections.

More are placed on employers to monitor compliance with the regime of isolation of workers at the house within 14 days when returning from countries where cases of novel coronavirus infection, as well as from other regions of Russia.

as for the catering enterprises, in cafeterias need to use disposable dishes, which after use obezzarazhivatelya and disposed of in a special order. At the same time, you need to stop accepting poor at workplaces in the absence of the dining room – lunch only in the designated area.

by the Way, with a full range of activities necessary to complete the organization of work as contained in Resolution No. 8-II can be found in the section “anti Crisis measures” (subsection “working Conditions 4 through April 30”). For appeals of entrepreneurs working telephone “hot line” 8-800-300-63-63.

Minister of economic development and investment Samara region Dmitry Bogdanov recalled that everyone on the “hot line” will help you choose the right support measures based on the specific case and on the website business representatives can learn all the information relating to assistance in this situation, the authorities, and Federal and private entities.