the Most pressing issues in the Academy of Sciences and the University community of the issues the subject of dialogue between the Minister of science and higher education of Russia Valery Falkova with heads of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rectors and professors in Siberia.

Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the head of its branch in Siberia, Valentin Parmon finds important the fact that the first study visit of the Minister began with a visit to the experimental production of the Institute of nuclear physics named after G. I. Budker. Technology and scientific equipment, which are mastered and manufactured here, will be in demand in the work of the Center for collective use “the Siberian ring photon source”. It can be said, a pivotal project in the program of development of Novosibirsk scientific center “Akademgorodok 2.0” and one of the biggest sites for the Novosibirsk region in terms of construction, borrowed funds, and shares. Its creation will require about 37 billion rubles.

in order that the skiff was made in a timely manner, to start production of long-cycle production it is necessary this year. Difficulties with funding, according to Valery Falkova, on the day fixed. “The question is solved, – he has declared in Novosibirsk. Now, the expected publication of the act government to soon this job was started.”

– it is Important that the Minister supported the need to expand and upgrade production facilities in INP. Because, following the establishment of SKIF will need to build a synchrotron in Protvino near Moscow, – said the academician Parmon. – And we have demonstrated real working capacity of the Siberian branch.

the program “campus 2.0” requires a comprehensive development of the territory and includes, according to the Governor of the region Andrey Travnikova, more than 50 objects. It is very important confirm in the leadership of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academic component of the program must be supported by infrastructure development to generate competitive conditions for work and life researchers and young professionals.

– There are issues that need to be addressed at the state level. The guys who come to us to work, for example, the draft skiff, must have shelter. Not the hostel. Need a market rental of affordable and comfortable housing if you want to be well prepared young people remain in the regions and the country. The best graduates, if they do not provide housing, leave, warns Valentin Parmon.

Another painful issue – the difference in pay. Now the salary of a research worker should not be below 200 percent of the average for the region. It is clear that in Moscow this figure is higher, and therefore salary��and research staff in the capital, much more than the Siberian colleagues. It definitely needs to be changed. For the same work a specialist of the same level receive the same salary. Otherwise, do not stop the brain drain from the regions.

Novosibirsk Valery Falkov announced the launch of a new program – the strategic academic leadership.

– As I understand it, it is declared that universities must train people for their country. And in this case, the indicator of success should not be scientific publications in international journals. And, unfortunately, the main evaluation criterion for academic institutions is the number of such publications. It destroys everything, – says academician Parmon.

In the discussion of the new program was actively involved not only representatives of the Academy of Sciences, but also universities.

– the program – the opportunity to be in shape, learn the best global practices and to try new things. Of course, this gives you additional funds and, consequently, opportunities for the development of infrastructure, research directions and educational programs to attract talented professionals and students, including foreign ones, says the rector of NSU, academician Mikhail Fedoruk. And example of the modern integration of education and science, he said, can serve created in academic Mathematical research center of world level. He will search for himself in connection nucky, education and high-tech business in mathematics and related fields such as Computer Science, analysis and data processing, artificial intelligence.

In the development of mega-sciense project SKIF participated in two Institute of the Siberian branch – Institute of nuclear physics named after G. I. Budker and FITZ “Institute of catalysis im. G. K. Boreskov”. According to the draft, Siberian annular photon source will register on the territory of Naukograd Koltsovo, total building area of nearly 77 thousand sq. m. According to the plans of developers, the Center for collective use of SKIF will include the accelerator complex and developed custom infrastructure – 30 experimental stations and laboratory building. They are intended for innovative research in physics, chemistry, Geology, biology, and medicine. One of the residents of the center will be the state research center of Virology and biotechnology “Vector”, where developed and tested a vaccine against a new type of coronavirus. It is assumed that the synchrotron and one station will be running until 30 December 2023. A year later, must be typed in all six stations of the first stage in the basic functionality.

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Jennifer Alvarez
Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.