The deputies of the Czech Parliament after a 10-hour debate by a majority vote adopted a decision to extend the state of emergency in the country until 17 may, the government proposed to extend state of emergency until may 25.

The Parliament session was broadcast on network TV channels.

The state of emergency was introduced in the Czech Republic in connection with the risk of a rapid spread of the coronavirus on March 12, and then extended to April 30. The government has the right to enter this mode for a period of not more than 30 days, his decision must be approved by the Parliament.

Speaking on Tuesday at a meeting of the Parliament Prime Minister Andrew Babish, the Minister of health Adam, vojtěch and other Ministers argued the extension of CHP to 25 may need gradual withdrawal of the population from quarantine and pay attention to the schedule announced by the Cabinet for appropriate action. However, the opposition found the arguments of Ministers are not convincing enough and in connection with the need for early restoration of economic and social life insisted on the acceleration of the end of the quarantine.

The result was a compromise, the majority of MPs voted to extend the state of emergency until may 17. Of the 101 participants for that 54 deputies voted.

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