Sometimes there are coincidences that appear to be not so random. On Wednesday, the Chancellor and the Prime Minister to decide how to do it in the Corona-crisis. On the same evening, an absolutely extraordinary documentary about the last great crisis, which has changed our life and way of Thinking runs in the television. You mean, for sure not a coincidence, “The Driven” and describes the total Overwork of the policy with the refugee crisis five years ago (ARD, 20.15). About the author: Ulrich Reitz

Ulrich Reitz worked as a correspondent in the world, was in the starting team of FOCUS, which he led, and was a total of 17 years as editor-in-chief of the two largest German regional newspaper “WAZ” and “Rheinische Post”. He deals with the societal consequences of digitalization, the cultural foundations of Germany and the Performance of its elites in politics and the economy. Reitz sees itself as economically ordoliberal and politically conservative. He appreciates the well-maintained controversy.

What is the refugee crisis for the Corona-crisis learning? What are the lessons learned, the Chancellor? The majority of Germans today is for a “carry on” during the Lockdown. That was five years ago, even so: the majority of The population was for the “culture of welcome”. But back then, there was the Warner, they only came not to, especially because Merkel wanted to give up the principle of open borders under any circumstances – open borders, “whatever it takes”, so to speak, Draghi’s Motto for the Euro bailout in the financial crisis of 2008. In this off lightly, unlike the refugee crisis. The change in the political landscape.

warnings are, seriously

The Overload of the “Driven” strengthened the AfD, and there is a deep split in the society. Today there is a Warner, and as then they are today of naming. We have had them in detail, it is about Westphalia, scientists and practitioners from the “Corona-expert advice” in North Rhine-Westphalia.

they warn of profound political and social consequences of the Corona-crisis, if we miss the date, from the state of exception to return in a “responsible and normality”. We should take them seriously. Because: If it runs bad, and let’s say, a third of the population falls into a Depression, because suddenly there is only a little safe, not social Status, not the Job, not the value of the home – what will be the consequences?

Now, all are recommended books one should read again and again. By Albert Camus “The plague”, for example. I recommend Stefan Zweig, the “star hours of mankind”. Here, history is compressed to a critical Situation, as it describes the exception to the poet: “a single moment that determines everything, and everything is decided by a single Yes, a single no, a too soon or too Late makes this hour irrevocable for one hundred and sexes, and determined the life of an Individual, of a people, and even the Fate of the course of the whole of humanity.”

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“Stop” or “Go”?

of Course, the pathetic is, branch is a Poet, Merkel, in contrast, is a sober Pragmatist, but it helps nothing: the wrong decision at the wrong time would be disastrous. The Dodge is not a pragmatist. Even if you resolve the current Situation tried in an immense Wealth of individual decisions – when to go to which children at what times and in which schools? – it’s a great soft position but always behind it Remains: Merkel at “Stop”, or it switches to “Go”? “Stop” would be easier. Therefore, it is a big temptation for every politician. Much wrong you can do.

One can say that saving lives comes first, and who would argue with that? The Problem with “Stop” is: what is correct in the short term, may in the long term, as a devastating out. And that’s why is Go the right way. “Go” does not mean: on Thursday morning, everything is back as before. “Go” means that The government(s) make a Plan for the return from the exception state to the Normal. The Merkel’s role in the process: you are the switch, she presses the start button. This will help her-no one. Because that is what is striking, too: Not one of the experts, not the scientists Leopoldina, also called a single date for anything, you do not want to take responsibility for it, when the hair may re-open. The others have to do in the first place, the policy, at the top of Mrs Merkel.

President Wieler explains: RKI takes a new Symptom, in the statistics in FOCUS Online/Wochit President Wieler explains: RKI takes a new Symptom in the statistics on

economic, and health concerns, the same people

At the end of the craft Guild of hairdressers then says that everyone is allowed to re-open his business, if the Hair clipper can provide for himself and his clients masks and disinfectant. If there is not (yet), needs to be serviced. To develop a Plan that can be arranged. To make a Plan that would overtax the policy. And it is also the reason would be wrong. We do not live for good reason, in a planned economy. At all: There is no such thing as “The economy”. Who should that be, if not we all?

Therefore, the alleged contrast between “economy” and “health is designed” plenty of economic and health concerns the same people. Germany has spent decades building up a System, how decisions are made and by whom they are made. Chancellor, Prime Ministers, district administrators, the mayor is the political side. Employers, trade unions, which is the operational side. In between societal stakeholders. And the media, have an unparalleled responsibility – especially this one: every day to stand up for them, that there are no prohibitions on Thinking, and no alternative strength. There are always Alternatives, they must be transported in the Public and then debated.

to understand would be a pragmatic Chancellor fit, as a learning System. And then brave. And also the opportunities to address: the digitalization of the working life, for example, according to the experience of the home office, and Home-Schooling, which have led to thousands of people.

Merkel’s last term in office, has often been called a “lame-duck” described. In the process, It can also be a great advantage if you want freedom, to want nothing more.