Scientists from the Geological society of South Africa and the University of the Witwatersrand published the author’s article about the study in Langebaanweg – paleontological “Wonderland”. They found many fossilized remains of ancient creatures, including a giant Wolverine and otter the size of a wolf.

the Article appeared on the portal The study was conducted on the West coast of South Africa, approximately 120 km North of Cape town.

There is a quarry, which is of great interest to specialists. It was discovered the fossilized remains of creatures that inhabited the area of about five million years ago. Fauna and flora here was very rich.

the Average temperature was 2-3 degrees higher and sea level was above modern 30 meters. Excavations indicate species diversity. For example, fossils of birds were found here 90 species.

in addition, were found the remains of hyenas, saber-toothed tigers, giant relatives of modern bears, the three differ from each other relatives of elephants, including the ancient mammoth, rhinos and hippos.

Here was found a giant Wolverine. The analysis showed that it differed from the other giant Wolverine, Plesiogulo botori, the remains of which are found earlier in Kenya and Ethiopia. This means that at the end of the era of the Miocene and early Pliocene, that is, 5-6 million years ago in Africa coexisted two very large species, which we now call the wolverines.

the New species was named Plesiogulo aff. Monspesulanus. Its skeleton was similar to modern wolverines skeleton, although the bones of the limbs of the creature were less elongated and more dense.

It had very powerful jaws. On the basis of the anatomy, scientists have suggested that giant Wolverine did not pursue their prey, and attacked it from ambush.

This animal was the size of a leopard and weighed about 65 kg. For comparison, the largest modern wolverines can weigh 20 kg. an Ancient creature had massive teeth, capable of grinding bones, although not to the same extent as the teeth of modern hyenas.

overall, it was a very fearsome predator. The researchers suggest that giant Wolverine became extinct because of climate change and stiffer competition from other carnivores.

Also, scientists unearthed the remains of a giant otter, which was the size of a modern wolf and weigh up to 40 kg. This species has received the name of Sivaonyx hendeyi. Preliminary analysis showed that its representatives could appear about 11 million years ago and became extinct about 2.5 million years ago.

These otters lived in the water and on land. Moreover, in the water, apparently, the time they spent more. They also had two rows of very strong memory��s. Their diet mainly consisted of large fish, including catfish and shellfish. They also eat amphibians, rodents and birds. By the way, these creatures are not direct ancestors of the modern otters.