Potatoes with green “barrels” contains corned beef – vegetable glycoalkaloid. According to the candidate of biological Sciences Artem Gadfly, all color education at the root must be cut.

“If education is extensive and covers more than half of the tuber should be discarded. Ingestion of solanine can cause severe poisoning, vomiting and even hallucinations. During heat treatment the solanine is completely destroyed only at a temperature over 250 degrees,” – said the expert. Therefore, in the normal course of cooking or frying it still remains in some quantity in the final product.

If the potatoes started to rot, it will be allocated large amounts of carbon dioxide that is also dangerous/poison can be old and worm-eaten edible mushrooms. Overripe mushrooms appear toxic substances, decomposition products of proteins.

in addition, fungi absorb nutrients across the surface of the body (mycelium). If in soil, forest litter or timber which grow on the mushrooms, contains heavy metals, radionuclides, residues of agricultural pesticides and other toxic compounds, they fall in fruit bodies of fungi.

Bones cherries contain amygdalin. If gnaw, chew or otherwise damage the bone, then the body immediately hydrogen cyanide – cyanide. However, from a few bones, says Artem gadfly, nothing bad will happen. But if you constantly eat cherries with pits, that may be poisonous. A lethal dose of cyanide is 1.7 mg per 1 kg of body weight of a person (about 50 kernels).

the apricot kernels also contain amygdalin, which forms when raskusyvanii and interaction with cyanide saliva. Frequent and excessive consumption of apricot kernels can cause poisoning. Poisoning may trigger 20-40 grams of product. But if the kernel pre-boil or dry in the oven, they lose their poisonous properties.

the Radish contains a poisonous substance glycoside, it emits a sulfur-containing essential oil gives this vegetable odor. If you eat a lot of radish, it can cause pain in the liver or dizziness.

Nutmeg contains a psychoactive substance – myristicin that causes hallucinogenic, stimulating effect on the Central nervous system. Small amounts of nuts are not dangerous, but it is not recommended to consume more than 10 grams of nutmeg per day.

the Stems and leaves of tomatoes, green, not ripened, fruits contain solanine (as in potatoes), causing headache and upset stomach. When the fruit becomes pink or red, the content of solanine is reduced to a minimum, and fruits are safe for consumption.

Before eatingon eating tomatoes it is necessary to cut the stalk, since it also contains solanine.

Apple Seeds is also quite treacherous. They contain hydrocyanic acid. And seeds with impaired integrity additionally inject a small amount of cyanide. Apple seed contains about 0.4 mg of cyanide, a weak body can be enough of the dose for poisoning.

In any beans, especially red, contains phytohemaglutinin. This substance increases the permeability of cell membranes, resulting in they can penetrate the harmful substances and even poisons. Phytohemaglutinin is destroyed by high temperatures, so you have to process the beans until cooked. It is also recommended to soak it before cooking for a few hours.

Unripe fruits of elderberry contain hydrocyanic acid. It is therefore recommended to include in the diet of fully ripe berries, which ripen in late August or early September. To cook the compote can be from immature fruit, heat treatment will help get rid of the poison.