Amazing deal! The writer may in his books to teach kindness and love to the neighbor, maybe with the TV screen, referring to Dostoevsky, to cry tears of a child, and then suddenly to call a gang of migrant workers and to spoil without permission having tumbled down centuries-old trees, a patch of garden that doesn’t belong to him, but only under the lease.

When the alarmed neighbors in the cottage to remind him that he lives in an environmental reserve Peredelkino, where every Bush memorial plant, and wall litefantastic cottages remember the steps Voznesensky, Yevtushenko, Okudzhava, Dementieva, Kataev, he just shrugs, like, do not bother me! It’s just that I received a presidential grant to study Dostoevsky and now you can do landscaping in the surrounding landscape to your taste.

“But we disagree!” – all of the same mind naive neighbors. “Your problem!” for guardian children’s tears. And Linden, under the crown which is walking still Korney Chukovsky, collapsing to the ground.

Oh, if poet and literary critic Igor Volgin in the home at least a little of the neatness and gladkosti, which he is sending “the glass bead Game”, among other things, on the channel “Culture”. But the culture in the home country is quite another story.

it is Strange that informed about the ongoing outrages of the Chairman of the local public organization “Peredelkino” is also, incidentally, the poet Marina Kudimova does not react. And she is personally responsible for the integrity of the natural protection and cultural value, which she entrusted to the management of the state represented by Rosimushchestvo. However, the scandal landscaped tyranny Volgin is only a fraction of the outrage that is happening now in the legendary Peredelkino.

P. S.”MK” will follow the investigation into what happened .