From the Minsk prison in Akrestsin street, where detainees are taken at meetings of the protesters, began to release people. According to the Telegram-channel “Sputnik Belarus” detainees are released one at a time.

The publication notes that detainees charged with administrative article. The footage, published in the Telegram-channel “RIA Novosti”, it is clear that the released girls crying and hugging loved ones. Among the released there are journalists.

Besides, as informs RIA Novosti news Agency, from jail released three citizens of Poland. One of them, journalist Witold Dobrowolski, was detained on 9 August. According to pole, he was beaten during and after arrest and are unable to provide an interpreter, which did not take place the court.

Previously trapped in the detention center of Minsk told about the cruelty of security forces, who mocked and beat them. So, the video came the cries of the people rang out near the jail the night.

Throughout Belarus there are mass protests. The participants demanded the resignation of Alexander Lukashenko and the holding of new presidential elections. According to official data, in the elections of 9 August, Lukashenko gained more than 80 percent of the vote.