In 2020 in Moscow’s Gorky Park does not plan to hold the traditional event dedicated to the celebration of Day of airborne troops (VDV). It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the Park.

It is noted that this year became a milestone for the airborne troops, as the troops will be 90. “Holiday programs and themed design for the airborne forces Day on August 2 in Gorky Park are planned. Restrictions [for visitors at the entrance] had never been introduced, and will not be entered in this year”, — said the representatives of the Metropolitan Park.

The tradition to celebrate the festival in Gorky Park starts at the beginning of 90-ies: the day of the VDV were held here sporting landing. Despite the fact that in 1997, the flights over the capital have banned the tradition of celebrating this day in the Park preserved. Since 2011, the Park is annually decorated and the Navy was preparing treats and festive program.