In front of the White house the night of 30 may, clashes of protesters with the staff of the U.S. Secret service, according to CNN.

Clashes near residence of the head of the state lasted more than five hours. The demonstrators shouted for the presidential guard, throwing different objects and tried to overturn metal barriers. At least one employee of the Secret service reacted, spraying the crowd with pepper spray.

The protesters chanted slogans in support of deceased in Minneapolis of a black security guard George Floyd and expressed hostility to President Donald Trump, says CNN.

According to the channel, more than 30 major US cities covered protests accompanied by riots, which began after the death of Floyd. Speaking out against the government take place in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, new York, Indianapolis, Boston, Detroit and many other cities. In some cases, riots are accompanied by shooting, particularly in Auckland, was killed one employee of the Federal security service of the United States. The most volatile situation in Minneapolis, where the Federal authorities are preparing to deploy a contingent of military police.

Mass protests accompanied by riots with clashes with police last in Minneapolis on may 26, later, they began in other US cities. Residents of Minneapolis came to the demonstration against police brutality after the death of a local resident, a black security guard George Floyd, who died a few hours after he was arrested with use of force. Subsequently took to the streets, supporters of the movement against violence against black Lives Matter Black (“black Lives matter”), the protests escalated into riots, pogroms, looting, shooting and arson. In the city to enhance the security already deployed National guard and armored vehicles, curfew.