an Internal epigraph I’ll take the words of my favorite American writer Faulkner on “race, flashed in the terrible but fleeting glory on the brow of the earth only to disappear forever.” Though not as apocalyptic and hopeless, but all the bases for alarm are present.

I Not the first to sound the alarm. Thirty years ago my friend Joseph Brodsky, the only one among us of the great Russian, used to sting that by the year two thousand so-called white race is only 11 (one eleven) per cent of the population of the globe: “I’m not a Saint, not a prophet and I will not take the liberty to say, what will the next century. Actually, I’m not even interested in. I’m not going to live in the twenty-first century, so I have no reason for concern (he died in early 1996). The future, how it is possible to foresee the future, torn by a conflict of the spirit endure writing with the spirit of intolerance. War is inevitable if only because the more complex picture of the real mi RA, the stronger the impulse to its simplification”.

Let not a prophet, but prophesied – will not find it. War seems to be another, although it goes on all fronts. Until the cold war, but it is becoming hot. At least in the country of my current residence. As, however, and in Europe: racial beliefs and prejudices contagious and perenoski not less than the coronavirus. Even in my country, which I can not say across the ocean, but judging by lamentation from Russia – the same, for example, Eugenia Lesina on afroasian and asiaonequiet, and he, as none of the Russian poets, with their finger on the pulse of time:

the Bulls rape of Europe

the naked body, happy people

Slaves – for slavery, and slaves,

Turn up the snout of the freedoms.

Why do I cite poets? Yes, because he is not a poet. And poets given a special vision. I would even venture to say – enlightenment. A lot more the episodes went out on the Internet jokingly-a prophetic rhyme for our Brodsky fellow Petersburger Vladimir Ufland, penned in 1958, and like today – as the water looked. The sin here is not to lead, before to continue our conversation level, not higher, dig a little deeper:

the country is Changing America.

will Come to her soon the Blacks to power.

the Freedom that is near the shore,

under the black repainted.

Begin to chuckle Poor

over all Millionaires.

And some

will be


try to pretend to be Negroes.

And to be respected by the Blacks.

And The Black is famous.

And every White

be the first

when meeting with a black man

the Negro to bow.

What color was Christ?

Jokes aside, but speaking of racism, of course referring to how white and black. American multi-ethnic melting pot exactly two Nations: white and black. Put them in ��alfavitnom order, although in English would have written blacks & whites, if already there are disputes, why in chess, white starts and what color was Christ. And now the head of the Anglican Church, pleasing color, said that, of course, Jesus wasn’t white, being a middle-Eastern man. And why Joseph and Mary with a baby named Yeshua fled from king Herod in Egypt? To blend with the local population, being of the same colour with the dark-skinned aborigines, claim our black brothers and sisters. Let it contrary to the historical reality: a third of the population of Alexandria at that time – white Jews. Even Martin Luther king was an adept of the theory of “the Black Christ”. For me, the skin color of Christ is irrelevant to his teachings has not.

Anything-rastacore depoliticizing I said? And don’t say because because of, maybe, the Soviet international education of racial prejudice is completely devoid. Especially here in the States. To the extent that, pokasov with a man I the next day can’t always remember it is white or black or yellow or brown, although well remember what was the conversation. Why am I, a naturalized American, should, as required by the current ritual, going down on one knee and ask for forgiveness for sins that neither I nor my ancestors did not commit? My family was not slave owners nor the slaves, nor the serf, nor the fortress, as it was not from tens of millions of native Americans – Italians, Irish, Jews, poles and others, whose ancestors arrived in America after slavery had been abolished. But even for those white Americans whose distant, one and a half centuries ago, ancestors were slave owners – to whom and for what they confess? Collective guilt imposed on white to black – is not it absurd? Why probablilty needs to apologize to nerabov?

Mentally, for greater clarity, transfer all this gibberish to native land. The descendants of the serf-owners asked for forgiveness from the descendants of serfs. Fortunately – or unfortunately – some from other not have different skin color. Not to mention the monuments to the former feudalists, like Pushkin or Tolstoy, who demolished the whole of Russia is Sacred. Presented?

Dying breed

Bursting through the open gate? Maybe so, but that’s just a few years, one kitsch slogan was replaced by another: instead of MeToo – Black Lives Matter. Who can argue – the black life matters. Just like any other. Including white, right? Alas, not everyone thinks so.

it is Impossible to imagine a white supremacist, which will challenge the right of black life, right? But black can afford to question the right of white on WHITE LIVES DON’t MATTER. And announced this genocidal call for the elimination of the white tribe is not some extreme with brains on one side, and a black Professor Pramad�� Gopal of Cambridge. Of course, the petition to expel her from the famous University was signed by many thousands, but in response to – freedom of speech! – she promoted and continues to teach colonial and postcolonial literature.

this Example is so good, though bad in fact that allows you to look in the root of the problem. Allow myself to Express the undercurrent, the sacred, is an alarming observation. Slavery is a possible side effect of the current movement for zeroing the American and European Judeo-Christian white on the edge of civilization. It’s the white – in religion, culture, science, Economics, anything – can cause irritation. Not to be unfounded, I will give the floor to African American leader al Sharpton:

“If we, the black, four hundred years was not on the throat, we, not the Jews, were a people of Nobel prizes, pioneers in all Sciences, trendsetters and just legislators. And so…”

That is, racial differences a side? Even the most hardened white supremacist not come to mind to deny the achievements of blacks in sports – in Boxing, in wrestling, in football, in basketball, ya know? That is, the bull is not allowed, what is permitted to Zeus. It is clear, as Christ, Zeus, black now. Like all Olympus.

Okay, do without scientific references to giants such as Lombroso and Darwin, although no one has canceled the last great book “the Origin of species”, whose hushed full title – “the Origin of species by means of natural selection, or the Preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.” However, Darwin predicted the struggle of the civilized races of the wild races. From the song words can not erase.

Demographically, white loses. By the middle of this century, Africans and Asians will make up eighty percent of the population. With regards to the US, since the second half of the last century the proportion of white Americans is falling rapidly, down from 88 % in 1940 to 79.6% in 1980 to 61.9 % in 2014. And now? In the band of the southern States, including Florida, Texas and California, whites have become “national minorities”, forgive me this pejorative Soviet term. Most now there are African Americans and Latinos, who proudly call themselves “La Rasa”. I refer to former presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan, who sounded the alarm in connection with the romanization of the United States a few decades ago, for which he was defamed as a racist.

it’s Time to admit that we whites are disappearing, a dying tribe, and place us in the red book. That’s why white must be cherished, nurtured, cherished as the keepers of the sacred fire of civilisation, and not to humiliate, persecute and corroding, as is happening now.

new York