In Chechnya became interested in the Creator of the public “Masculine state” by Vladislav Pozdnyakov, who arranged the persecution of women and the LGBT community. The Chairman of the Union of Chechen youth Rustam Tapew said in comments to radio station “Moscow Says”.

He promised to study the situation and contact the police if necessary.

“If we see that there really is inciting some kind of ethnic hatred or gender, then we can even go and ask law enforcement authorities to investigate this case,” said Chapaev.

According to the Chairman of the organization, if that suits baiting is a key opinion leader in any field, for his actions in any case, it is necessary to notify the police.

13 may it was reported that the inhabitant of Krasnodar Ekaterina Frolova who adopted a black child, hunted in social networks because of the color of the skin of her son. According to Pozdnyakov, the fact of adopting a boy should be regarded as “damage our gene pool”.

In 2020 Pozdnyakov announced the hunt for “disgraced the nation” Actresses starring in pornoclips leader of Rammstein till Lindemann. In 2018, he called to poison the Russians, who communicated with the foreign fans during the world Cup. The Creator community has been baiting the Russians, who enter into a relationship with the “non-Russian nationalities”.

In December 2018 Pozdnyakov was sentenced to two years probation. Militiamen brought criminal case under article 282 (“inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity”) for misogynistic posts in the community of the “Male state”. In March 2019 the sentence Pozdnyakov was canceled after the partial decriminalization of article 282.

“Male state” is a movement of the same name and closed user group in “Vkontakte” with more than 160 thousand subscribers. The public promoted nationalism and misogyny. Its Creator Pozdnyakov is located in Poland.