
To clarify the situation, with Zoom, we went to Yekaterinburg and the second edition of the video club “Double two” devoted to the problems of the private theatres and a number of eternal questions of creativity. The conversation went optimistic.

Who helps the theatre?

Nikolai Kolyada: do Not know how to Express my gratitude to the many who support us. Theatre people are complicated, but when something happens, everyone, so we have a good mood. Although now all go on indefinite unpaid leave. I say to the actors: the crown of the head will not fall down – sit somewhere to work! And fine artists work by couriers. But otherwise, lay and wait to die? And the officials… they also understand that the cultural field of the country is comprised not only of the academic theaters. I think that will help. We are all slow: long harness, go slowly.

How to write plays?

Nikolai Kolyada: I teach drama? I don’t know how to write plays! Not flirting, no. Students say: do as I do. Love theatre as I do. Give theatre life, and the theater in response, do you have to give a piece of bread with butter. Maybe even with sausage. What is important in the play: thought (what I want to say), the word (the great mighty Russian language), the characters are human, always incredibly interesting. And most importantly – your pain: “blessed is he who visited this world in his fateful minutes” – and we always live in the fateful moments in the revolution, and in the 90s, and now… Fix this time, leave it to memory, tell me about what I see and know about her dad, about mom, about his childhood… Come to the theater for rehearsals – see how I live and lives the theatre. That’s my science. And then I always praise. See five pages of a good place – be sure to praise: that’s good! We have to remember that all the most important written Chekhov, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Bunin, Gogol, Dostoevsky… you Have to love the great Russian literature – here endeth the lesson.

what is the price of success?

Nikolai Kolyada: Sometimes come in the famous Moscow theatre, all decorated with “Golden masks”, watch the show – I do not understand what’s going on! The performance gets the award, in a season of the scenery burnt, the costumes given to the orphanage, all thrown and forgotten. What if this whole collection of smoke in large containers? We, in the so-called province, the performances are 15-16 years old, and all the time full house. So the fate of the play is determined by the audience – she is voting with their pocketbooks. Especially in the private theatre, where a very important financial result. So I’m happy that didn’t go anywhere from Ekaterinburg, I am very happy in this city. You see, I’m smiling all is well. Life goes on!

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.