the Cost of air travel in Russia growing for the second month in a row. In April in comparison with March the average check of flights increased by 27%, reported in Biletix. In may compared to the beginning of April, average prices in the most popular directions has increased more than two times, said the representative of the service

By the summer the price of tickets traditionally go up because of increasing demand, analysts say. But this year, on the contrary, because obuhovskogo demand, airlines are forced to distribute the cost of the flight with fewer passengers due to rising prices, said the analyst of Institute of complex strategic studies Natalia Churkina.

Despite the increase in prices, the Russians will still fly when they lifted the restrictions, said the Deputy Director of the Institute of engineering Economics, Sciences and Humanities Daniel Kwon. “People a whole month sitting at home, they need somewhere to go in the summer, especially because in Russia a few popular areas,” he said.

“the satisfaction of deferred demand as a result of mass abandonment of flights will increase passenger traffic”, – agrees Natalia Churkina. On the other hand, she says, for the restoration of income levels will take months, if not years, which will restrain the expansion of demand for travel, especially at higher prices.

the Demand for tickets will depend on the cost of rail tickets. If the cost of the tickets will be much higher than the cost of train tickets, people will simply prefer the train, experts say.