How to live in the mode of self-isolation. Interview with the psychologist Twisted Kholmogorova

How to properly through a difficult time in many people because of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19? We’re talking about the period of the flow of negative information, mode of isolation, quarantine, remote operation, closure leisure organizations. In these conditions, to avoid loss of resources? Where to draw strength? How can we learn to agree with your thoughts and, if so, how to do it? Is it possible to cure a syndrome of “all comes from childhood”? On this and many other “RG” said the existential psychologist, physiologist, Ph. D. Vita Kolmogorov.

In the next issue you will learn about how in the period of the isolation mode to preserve the favorable climate within the family and to build up a dialogue with your spouse or suprguoy. Also Vita Kholmogorova will share the secrets of harmonic relations.