The media industry is a relevant part of our national economy. In a new book, two media celebrities are now complaining about deep structural deficits and alleged injustice that is said to have happened to them.

1. In their media scolding, Richard David Precht, the self-proclaimed philosopher, and Harald Welzer, the sociologist, seem about as credible as if Vladimir Putin were now vehemently complaining about the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Or about the fact that the “special military operation” he had initiated was taking an unfortunate turn for him. In other words: the two actors presented themselves as central actors in the spectacle from the start, the outcome of which they are now complaining about.

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2. A mixture of abysmal arrogance and cynicism, elitist frustration and anti-democratic spirit hangs over their entire argumentation. The politically nicest interpretation of the two’s stance is to regard their effervescence as disappointment at their apparent failure to achieve ‘philosopher royalty’ status.4. Also noteworthy is her astonishment that the journalism of the younger generation and that, and especially the journalism that has so far often been seen as left-wing green, for example that of the “Spiegel” and the “taz”, is no longer after that of Welzer and Precht’s preferred route.5. The East-West split in the personality structure of the two book authors and media-savvy gallans is also revealing. In their reflexive impulse to get Putin to speak up, on the one hand they present themselves as Neo-Ossis in the style of Michael Kretschmer, although they are thoroughly Westerners of the 1970s school. However, with the subtle difference that they are not Prime Minister and therefore do not have to make the desperate attempt to somehow hold a federal state together.

6. On the other hand, Precht and Welzer present themselves as very old-western to the greatest degree, because they take it for granted that the Federal Republic of Germany was given freedom by the Americans after 1945. That is why they fail to understand that one has to risk something for freedom, including that of the entire West.7. Precht and Welzer’s thinking, freed from the meaning of freedom, is astonishing in that it is precisely this term that is highly relevant in both philosophical and sociological thought structures. 8. The approach of the two is downright cynical, because they are masters of the attention economy conveyed by the media. They consciously present themselves as agitators and clickbait. This not only benefits her Dorian Gray self-esteem, but of course also her wallets.

10. Overall, in the words of the former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andrei Melnyk, it must be stated that two men are pushing each other up in their joint effort to mark an insulted liver sausage. Finally, the two leave an unpleasant impression in this respect , when they have a certain master race thinking and “Germany-over-everything” thinking. Among other things, they have no feeling for the feelings of freedom and necessities of other European nations. Their feeling of solidarity, even if they would never admit it, is primarily aimed at apologetics for Russia’s messed-up ways.

Stephan-Götz Richter, @stegoeri, delves deeply into the challenges Germany and its citizens face in today’s world in order to have a productive future. You can find his German language columns here:

He is also the publisher and editor-in-chief of the online magazine

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