Google canceled the presentation of the new version of OS for smartphones, scheduled for June 3. This was reported in the official account of the Android developers on Twitter.

The statement said that the event and the release of the beta version Android 11 are transferred for an indefinite period. “We are pleased to tell you more about Android 11, but now is not the time to celebrate,” according to the company’s account. Judging by the comments, users believe that the introduction of the new OS was delayed because of protests in the United States.

Some users welcomed the decision by Google, and the other was dissatisfied.

“What does politics have to transfer the events of June 3rd?” asked the commentator @zephiK0. “It is not a holiday, it’s just a release of the software,” — said the user @hudsonmartins.

In dozens of U.S. cities held protests against police brutality, some of the actions of the inhabitants was accompanied by riots. The discontent of the protesters was caused by the violent death of a black security guard George Floyd of Minneapolis, who died because of the rough arrest.

Scheduled for mid-may presentation Android 11 previously been ripped off because of the pandemic coronavirus. On 3 March, Google refused to hold the annual event because of fears of the spread of the deadly virus.