First among shift workers of JSC “Polyus Krasnoyarsk” working on Olimpiadinskiy GOK, laboratory confirmed 89 cases. Then 101. Three days later, an alarming figure rose to 269. And here are the latest data of the CPS: the coronavirus identified from 805 employees of MCC.

we will Remind: before the brigade arriving from all corners of Russia to carry watches on a gold field, quartered in the dormitories of Yeruda, which spelled out the businessman Mikhail Prokhorov. After the liquidation of the underlying settlement for the six thousand workers have become the neighboring Industrial area. The temporary accommodation has remained the same – simply unprecedented. A stranger here will not fall. Move “their” in my spare time is invalid (and nowhere in these harsh places to move). Alcohol – any! under a severe prohibition.

the Production, including disciplinary mechanism calibrated to absolute accuracy. As the virus overcame tiered “cordon” of the airports of departure and local? This question remains to be answered. We only know that watches from different regions of the country was taken not by regular boards, and charters. In April, the company “the pole” the first in the region began to carry out tests for the presence COVID-19 in Krasnoyarsk. Further, mine can go only employees with a negative result.

After revealing the first positive test started to brand all corporate passengers. At the same time restrict entry and exit from GOK: home could serve only healthy people. Experts of the Supervisory authority emphasize: focus is limited to gold “area”, in the settlements of the area of infection of the coronavirus infection have not been recorded.

Arrived in the district center head of the Krasnoyarsk territory Alexander USS has convened an interagency meeting of the operational headquarters with the participation of members of the regional government, heads of PJSC “Polyus” and the municipality, representatives of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies, EMERCOM and Rospotrebnadzor.

At the request of the Governor of the Department of defense quickly moved to the area about 100 units of special equipment, more than 200 military personnel, including 77 doctors and Junior medical specialists. Mounted the camp with 1,000 seats with the capacity to expand to 2,000. Tomorrow the field hospital receives its first patients.

– the Enterprise functioning smoothly. Everyone who isn’t quarantined, continue to perform their duties. We are not only equipped with internal hospital and to prepare additional beds at the site, but shall complete the necessary equipment of the regional laboratories and hospitals for timely and qualitative medical aid, – have informed “RG” the CEO of the company “the pole” Pavel Grachev.

��the task of the day is to ensure maximum treatment of the infected on the spot. On the territory of Mining – in the premises of the club, the gym, dormitories – due to the region deployed mobile infectious 400-bed hospital and the Observatory tent for 200 people. Imported lumber, mounted racks, sidewalks, bathrooms, supplied electricity. The total number of medical staff will be increased to 200.

– the Prerequisites for the separation of sick and healthy workers are created clear routing scheme is established. The situation is quite complicated, but completely controlled. Forces to in the next week to stabilize it, to prevent the spread outside of the camp, enough – said “RG” head of the region.

outbreaks of coronavirus infection among the shift workers observed in the North Angara region. At the facilities of the Irkutsk oil company in Ust-Kut and virginscom gold Deposit in Bodaibo district, where imposed quarantine, infected with already 180 employees.

Here is what the correspondent of “RG” by phone the chief medical officer of the Central military district, Colonel Anatoly Kalmyks. Together with specialists from the military field hospital he is now in the village of Urda.

– Still in the formation on the basis of the medical company mobile infectious hospital we added to its temporary staff needed to work with patients with coronavirus. Included, in particular, infectious disease specialists and anesthesiologists-resuscitators, which earlier in the month had been trained at the Military medical Academy. Now the hospital is staffed by 15 doctors, 30 nurses and other professionals, including laboratory research. There are 77 health care workers. With civilian counterparts agreed in advance that the hospital will deal with patients with mild to moderate disease severity. To identify and treat them, our doctors are able: to do this, the hospital has the necessary equipment. Severe patients will be evacuated to the hospitals of Krasnoyarsk and two cities. And in our infectious diseases Department, I think, immediately put one hundred patients. Under the plan, the hospital must be ready to receive them on Friday. In fact, I think it can be done tomorrow. All the people we have got “shredded”. Many were “hot spots”, has deployed field hospitals and in more severe conditions. So customizing one is not necessary. But staffing such a mission won’t be called. One 300-kilometer March on the Siberian roads and the ferry across the Yenisei river are worth. The village of Yeruda is located among the forest, bears roam around. Nothing, a site for the hospital in the career chosen, quickly cleared, rolled, began to place tents. Since they are inflatable – actually the day 85 pieces prop��governmental forces established. Remedies and was brought so that we can at least work offline a month. I hope that during this time, the epidemiological situation in the village becomes easier. Now it is very tense.
