the exhibition includes 36 portraits. This is not staged shots. Photographer Igor Gruzdev captured their characters while working. The idea for the project with gratitude the doctors came to him shortly after the introduction of quarantine COVID-19.

– Thanks to those who helped in the implementation of this idea. I believe that the people who are doing a great job, are always beautiful, they come out in the photo is beautiful, – said at the opening of the exhibition Igor Gruzdev.

the Desire to thank the doctors through the pictures was so strong that the photographer managed to convince the officials to allow him to observe the physicians in the operating room. Shooting doctors and nurses at work, Igor noticed over the heads of his characters special light.

– health care workers their halos, – says the photographer. – The surgeon – from the light in the operating room. The nurse from the sunshine when she turns to the window to pick up a syringe. The therapist – from a table lamp when he writes a prescription. Halos they have, but they are still human. With their experiences for the patients, fatigue after hours of operations, thoughtfulness in the diagnosis. And here is where that matters, not the light bulb, and internal. The one elusive read in a slightly tired eyes. Today, many call them heroes. But I think that they are heroes always. They are still in the youth chose this path, did not betray him today, and help us all to cope with the disease. And kovid or not – no difference. Coronavirus only added to the headache, but other diseases did not leave. Yes, it is also scary when dressed in anti-plague suit to go to the patient with suspected coronavirus. Yes, they really are important to our “Thank you!”. Honest and hearty thanks. They deserve it!

Temporarily joining the field ambulance crews, a photographer came to the conclusion that with the advent of mers patients did not decrease heart attacks, pressure surges, and many other cases, when you need prompt assistance.

– I was able to go on several coronavirus signals with superbreath. Differently I can not name. Imagine you enter the house to an elderly couple, you will be greeted grandpa with frightened eyes, because his beloved grandmother so bad that she raise a head can not. And he wants a miracle. Seeing all this, I now present, what is the moral responsibility of the ambulance, he said.

When the portraits were ready for the opening of the gallery on the embankment of the Volga, the organizers invited the characters in the pictures. They in gratitude gave flowers.

– the work of the anaesthetist is very heavy. In the “red zone”, of course, much heavier. You’re in costume, you’re hot, thirsty. Coronavirus is, it is not a myth. It should be treated seriously. Use of funds individualprotection, to avoid the crowds. Seeing this show may be, people will pay more attention to their health, – told reporters one of the heroes of the exhibition, anesthesiologist-resuscitator Evgeny Filimonov.

He had worked the three watches in the “red zone” and preparing for the next. Doctor urged residents of the region to pay more attention to their health and to comply with all recommendations for infection prevention.