Scientists from the University Julius-Maximilians würzburg analyzed the development of democratic regimes in 179 countries of the world. According to the results of the study, they concluded that more democracy begins to transform into autocracy (absolute power of one person). The findings of scientists publishes a news Agency KNA.

after Analyzing the modes of 179 countries on their compliance with democratic standards methods of governance and society, German scientists found that 83 modes can be considered democratic.

the “working” democracies can only be considered as 37 countries. In 46 States, democracy is “defective”, scientists say. To autocracy came from 55 countries.

So, according to scientists in Germany – a democracy, but in Hungary and Poland – democracy defective.

According to the researchers, Ukraine, India and Serbia hybrid form of government. At the same time, Russia was in the company of Turkey and Iran called moderate autocracies. Examples of rigid autocracy is the regimes in Saudi Arabia, North Korea and China.