The German finance minister Thomas Schäfer was Saturday found dead. He was 54 years old.

According to the German police to the point that the minister chose to take his own life.

This writes the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

He belonged to the party Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU) and was referred to as one of the strong candidates for a premierministerpost in the federal state of Hesse.

It remains unclear hvorforThomas Schäfer chose to take his own life.

Several German media writes, that he left a farewell letter, but the content of this is not described anywhere.

In a speech on Sunday said the current prime minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, that Schäfer had been both worried and very stressed, after coronavirussen came to Germany.

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“We must go out from that, he was very concerned about whether he would be able to live up to people’s huge expectations, particularly with regard to economic assistance,” he said, and continued:

“I must assume that these concerns broken him.”

Volker Bouffier was clearly influenced by the tragic deaths during his speech.

Thomas Schäfer left a wife and two children.