Citizens’ income caused controversy even before it was introduced. The first reading in the Bundestag is now pending. A spokesman for the Federal Employment Agency does not understand the criticism of the reorientation of the basic security.
On October 13, the Bundestag will hold a 70-minute debate for the first time on the citizens’ allowance that the traffic light government initiated in September. This is intended to replace basic security, essentially Hartz IV, from January 1, 2023 and provides for the following priorities:
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Many FOCUS online users perceive this form of citizen money as unfair. The FOCUS online author Hugo Müller-Vogg also comments: “Anyone who absolutely does not want to work hardly has to fear sanctions.” red-green-yellow project, he writes.
A job center employee who wants to remain anonymous even said to FOCUS online: “Full-time is no longer worthwhile.” Of course, this is primarily a subjective assessment and depends primarily on income. However, when earning the minimum wage, the differences are actually small.
FOCUS online asked the headquarters of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in Nuremberg how those responsible assessed the forthcoming introduction of citizen income. A spokesman initially pointed out that there could of course still be changes in the parliamentary procedure. For him, however, one thing is beyond question: “Work is always worthwhile.” Above all, because it has a social function that enables social participation.
Do you receive basic security (Hartz IV) and citizen income in the coming year? Then write us a short email with your name and the best way for us to reach you by phone. Mail address:
For example, we would be interested to know how you see the introduction of citizen income? What advantages do you expect from this? What might need to change in general?
FOCUS will publish selected reports online, anonymously if you wish. Thanks very much!
“The law also contains incentives to take up work,” he counters critics. For example, those entitled to benefits would have a higher income overall due to the higher income allowances: “That’s a very clear motivation,” he clarifies. He also rates the elimination of priority placement as positive, “because we can then better qualify the unemployed”. According to the spokesman, this could then also lead to higher qualified jobs and professional advancement.
“The basis for our cooperation and thus our support for people is that we can meet and tackle the future together,” the BA spokesman clarified. It is therefore right that the reduction obligations remain. “Obligations to cooperate should also remain with the planned citizens’ benefit after the trust period has expired.”
Overall, the reorientation in social legislation is welcomed. “It helps to increase social acceptance and brings positive effects to the people affected, such as a stronger focus on education and the sustainability of mediation,” says the BA spokesman. “We see this further development as an opportunity and as a basis for being able to continue to be there for the people affected.”
At the same time, he sees a major challenge in the given schedule. “It is important to us on January 1st, and we can also implement that, the standard rate increase and new rules on wealth and housing,” said the spokesman. You will make sure that people get their money reliably.
At the same time, the BA spokesman noted that the implementation of the basic income – in particular the promotion of further training with the further training bonus and the further training allowance as well as participation in the labor market and coaching – can only be successful if sufficient funds are made available. “It is the task of the federal government to ensure that the job centers are financially able to implement the citizen’s income with all its possibilities,” said the spokesman.