Four machines products Plushenko is ready to quarantine

Evgeni Plushenko said that he is very thoroughly prepared for a long sitting at home with the whole family in terms of isolation of the pandemic coronavirus.

“I went and bought four cars products. Plus still had stock from my farm in the Leningrad region”, – quotes the words of two-time Olympic figure skating champion Т

And even the bread he do not need to buy the bread bakes his wife Yana Rudkovskaya.

So that the star family can do is to wait until the pandemic starts to decline. Then Plushenko will continue to build its sports schools.

As previously reported, “the Rambler”, Evgeni Plushenko commented on the suspension of a sports career as a skater Alina Sagitova.

After this, between him and Sagitova coach Eteri Tutberidze was skirmish.